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You are a divine spark of light, currently encased in a human body. Innately, your glow is blinding. The small stressors of daily life (endless!) on top of major traumatic events (they happen to us all) dim your light. I'm here to restore your limitless luminosity. Increasing your glow increases your energetic flow.

Ohr means "light" in Hebrew. It is a Kabbalistic term for "Divine flow."
I'm Sarah Isenberg. I am a former US National fencing and figure skating champion.
As a professional athlete, I trained, built, and relied on my energetic flow even more than my physical abilities to win championships.
Now, I use my finely tuned energetic flow as an "ohr surgeon"-- I perform energetic surgery in The Field to amplify your light and increase your flow.

1 hr 30 min
450 US dollars1 hr
300 US dollars30 min
200 US dollars
Sarah helps me unblock what I think of as my Energetic X-Factor. As a busy mom, wife, and business owner being "in flow" helps me balance everything without feeling depleted.
My sessions with Sarah I consider to be the most important meetings of my week. Just like I work out with a trainer to have good physical health, doing flow sessions with Sarah keeps my energetic muscles toned and performing optimally.
As a CEO I can't afford to be off my game. Daily challenges arise that I need to be able to navigate swiftly and keep going. Sarah helps me stay in a flow state no matter what I'm dealing with, and being in flow means that no matter what happens I am able to navigate things quickly and efficiently with ease. That level of flow requires constant tune-ups and so thank goodness for Sarah!